Anna Gilbert Creative


Understanding the consumer journey and the intricacies of the marketing funnel isn’t just a smart tactic—it’s an essential element for any business aspiring to grow and thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Here at AGC, we liken it to dating – you can’t demand a relationship at first sight, people need to be nurtured through a funnel of touchpoints to get to know and trust you before they commit!

The funnel is akin to holding the roadmap to your audience’s hearts and minds, decoding how they transition from awareness to becoming loyal advocates of your brand.

What is a marketing funnel?

The marketing funnel serves as the backbone of this journey—a structured pathway that maps out the simplest route customers might take from initial contact to making a purchase. It's a framework that enables businesses to connect and engage with customers at various touch points along their journey.

let's break down tofu, mofu and bofu


This is the initial stage where potential customers become aware of your brand, product, or service.

It’s about casting a wide net to attract a broader audience and generate interest.

Content at this stage is often educational, informative, or entertaining, aiming to engage the audience without directly pushing for a sale.

Examples of TOFU content include blog posts, social media posts, videos, infographics, and other educational content that addresses the audience’s pain points or interests.


In this stage, individuals have moved beyond mere awareness and are considering their options.

The focus here is on nurturing leads and providing them with more specific information about your products or services.

Content tends to be more targeted and helps educate leads further about how your offerings can solve their problems or fulfil their needs.

Examples of MOFU content include case studies, white papers, webinars, email campaigns, and product comparison guides.


At the BOFU stage, leads are close to making a purchase decision. The goal is to convert these leads into customers by providing them with the final push they need.

Content here tends to be more sales-focused, such as product demos, free trials, customer testimonials, or special offers aimed at encouraging the final purchase.

The emphasis is on helping leads feel confident in choosing your brand over competitors and finalising the transaction.

Each stage in the funnel serves a specific purpose in guiding potential customers through their buyer’s journey, from initial awareness to becoming paying customers. The TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU strategy helps marketers tailor their content and approach based on where the audience stands in their decision-making process.

Awareness: This is where it all begins—grabbing attention by showcasing your product or service as a viable solution to a specific problem or need. It’s about making your audience aware of how you can make their lives better.

Consideration: Here, potential buyers are evaluating options, weighing your solution against others in the market. It’s crucial to stand out and prove why you’re the superior choice.

Conversion: This is the pivotal moment—the decision to make a purchase. It’s the culmination of all your efforts in building trust and showcasing value.

Retention: Post-purchase, it’s about staying top-of-mind. Keeping your customers engaged and satisfied ensures they keep coming back. This is your lowest hanging fruit for future conversions and the most sustainable of marketing efforts.

Advocacy: The pinnacle of the funnel—customers becoming genuine advocates, spreading the word and recommending your brand to others. It’s the ultimate testament to your success.

In this fast-paced, digitally-driven era, harnessing the potential of AI is another game-changer. AI isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool that analyses vast troves of data, predicts consumer behaviour, and automates tasks to supercharge your marketing efforts. It enables hyper-personalisation, anticipates customer needs, and arms businesses with the agility to stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

We’ve crafted a comprehensive guide covering each touchpoint along with a handy checklist to assist you in plugging any gaps in your 2024 marketing plan because, let’s face it, the most effective marketing funnels are the ones that are watertight!